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History. Remembered Announced SS and the sister of Cosimo II? Here, it lived exactly in this palace, connected to the church from the cavalcavia and with two underground passages to the monastero. We are in year 1619 and from that year many Medical princes of house withdrew themselves in this building like Claudia, duchessa of Urbino or Anna, the daughter of Cosimo or the Victoria of the Rovere, wife of Ferdinand II. "the garden risen in place of an ancient vine, was used from the religious ones until the half of century XVII. With the purchase of the property from part of Prince di Craon, the garden cambò aspect, in fact the said Prince one new sistemazione subdividing it in twelve parterre and inserting plants to you ornaments them and from fruit (cedars, oranges and lives). In 1787, Peter Leopoldo made to restructure the palace and trasfto erire the nail head of the garden to the Academy of Fine Arts for being able to put in direct communication the garden with the Stanzone of the Company of the Nicchio, used after greenhouse. The system of the garden remains legacy to geometric outlines, also when the palace divenne center of the Court of Conti in the period of Florence Understood them of Italy. In the 1880 palace it becomes center of the archaeological Museum and the garden acquires greater importance becoming the center of the Topographical section of Etruria (1894), in the configuration still puts into effect them, work of gardener Attilio Pucci (collaborating of Giuseppe Hills). The garden becomes therefore integrating part of the museum structure with the exposure en plain air of statues, columns and ancient architectonic monument fragments. Domestic pines, cedars of the Lebanese and a Rate place side by side to bushes of Mediterranean sapore like corbezzoli and tamerici and to plants like the tree of Giuda and to the magnolie."

Contained. You come in Chianti that before to be earth of Rinascimento Fiorentino was Etruscan earth and cannot lack the vision this museum. If it is true that we are why we were, here, we all were Rasna, Etruschi, then Roman and finally through the centuries, eccoci here. In the western culture and until some decade it makes, the name and the blood it came carried from the male descendancys and the Buonarroti has been extinguished with Elina. Perhaps everyone of we that it is been born and grown here, has a relative legacy to an art work, to a dumb one they chisel thatit has created the facade of the Dome of Florence or that one of the many churches that adorn the city. For a moment continuations this culture, rileggete po' a history of the wine and will understand a little more of the evolution of the art and the chiantigiana culture.

The chimera of Arezzo. It came close found in a field to Arezzo in 1553. Laughed them to the incirca to IV the century a.C., it is in bronze and it came shown to Cosimo from the Vasari.. The aspect puts into effect has had them to an erroneous restoration from part of Cellini Welcome which reconstructing the tail coil and the head of goat on the back, affixed them one towards the other, while a lot probably, both would have had to watch the spectator.

Firenze, della Colonna, 38
Tel. 055 23575 (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici) Fax 055 242213 (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici


Il giardino del Museo Archeologico è visitabile il sabato mattina con l'accompagnamento del personale di custodia.

Opening: Mon. 14.00-19.00; Tu and Th: 8.30-19.00;

We-fri-Sat-Sun: 8.30-14.00

Closing:1°jan, 1° may, 15 aug, Christmas


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Etruscan StatueMinerva or Athena, to an altar before the rituale
The magnificent Rasna Chimera